This was a hard week. I will not sugar coat it. And this is so ironic.

As soon as I came back from holiday, feeling all aligned and shined up (๐Ÿฅณ), I felt compelled to share that aligned energy with you here โ€“ then wham, bam, I got in a minor car accident on Monday. I know I was being tested.

(Please take note: no injuries, divinely protected, a little traumatized, car damage - yes. ๐Ÿš— )

All the self-discovery work I have POURED myself into gave me the test - to freak out, get angry, blame or to surrender, allow or deny, flow or force, love or fear?

My initially reaction came in the form of tears. Then I called Richard and all he told me was to BREATHE. That one word reminded my body that I was safe.

So I proceeded that day with Choice 2 : surrender, allow, flow, love.

What I have learned from this is no matter how much personal work you pour into yourself, getting back into alignment, finding that center - life moves. Life happens. But we can always choose how we respond.

  • Step One: Breathe and repeat I AM SAFE

  • Step Two: Allow your emotions to come.

  • Step Three: Trust life is unfolding as it should.

  • Step Four: Bump up your appreciation practice.

This is what I am feeling for sure this week. And appreciation for Mama Earth.


Kathryn Hanlon